Parikan Tila
Qualified Breeding Farm for White Finnsheep 2024

Our vision
Our goal is to breed high quality white Finnsheep using various genetic lines for the production of meat, wool and pelts, as well as to ensure the preservation of the breed’s gene pool.
Production method: organic
Qualified breeding farm since: 2018
Number of ram lines: 20
Total number of animals in 2022
Ewes: 300
Stud rams: 15
Adult weight for ewes: 70 to 80 kg
Adult weight for rams: 90 to 120 kg
Lambing period In autumn
Orf +
Contact Information
Pia and Anssi Parikka
+358 40 739 0494
pia ( a ) parikan tila . fi
Viikinäistentie 30
19210 Lusi (Heinola)