Qualified Breeding Farms in Finland
There are currently 18 qualified sheep breeding farms in Finland. A farm that participates in animal recording can receive a breeding farm qualification if the animals have a good genetic quality and the farm fulfills the other requirements set for qualified breeding farms. Usually a farm will be certified for the breeding of a single sheep breed, but obtaining a qualification for two breeds is also possible.
Finnish Sheep Breeders Association’s breeding committee performs yearly quality checks for both existing breeding farms and new farms striving to be qualified as breeding farms. The final decision for approval is done by the association’s board of trustees.
A qualified breeding farm needs to maintain a clear long-term vision for breeding and sufficient genetic diversity and monitoring to support the process. The farm must be under animal recording, and all lambs produced by ewes and rams belonging to the breeding flock must be weighed and evaluated. Slaughter weights and the weights of adult animals must likewise be recorded. Breeding stock needs to be above average breed quality both structurally and in regards to monitored production qualities. The farm must be at national average or better in all metrics related to animal keeping. The farms are committed to responsible animal trade and will only sell certified, healthy, high-quality purebred animals for breeding use. All breeding farms must be accredited free of Maedi-Visna virus.
Qualified breeding farms are permitted to use the digital breeding farm logo and a signed certificate for export. Certificates can be ordered from the address sly.jalostusvaliokunta@proagria.fi.

Qualified breeding farms in 2024
Pasi Aholaita ja Satu Alajoki, Aholaidan tila, Introduction in English
Susanna Nuutinen and Mikael Westerstråhle, Putkisalon Kartano, Introduction in English
Pirjo and Hannu Iso-Junno (black), Kivipellon tila
Anni Jalonen (white), Tiensuun tila
Tony and Kati Kajander (brown and black), Perkkiön tila
Lihasulan Kartano (white), Lihasulan Kartano
Ann-Mari Lintunen (brown), Mäenkoikkalan tila, Introduction in English
Juha Koro and Nina Snellman (white), Ylä-Härkösen tila
Pia and Anssi Parikka (white), Parikan tila, Introduction in English
Pirjo and Hannu Iso-Junno, Kivipellon tila
Kokemäki School Farm, email, Introduction in English
Helinä Leppänen, Noittaan tila
Niina and Ismo Lohva, Lahtelan lammastila
Heli Rosvall, Heli´s Oxford, Introduction in English
Hannele Enberg and Timo Enberg, Woolenberg, Introduction in English
Roosa Honkanen, Sirolan lammastila, Introduction in English
Hannele and Juha Moisander, email, Introduction in English
Paula Kiiski (white), email
Sarita Mikkonen (white), Suosaaren Texel, Introduction in English
Christer Ollqvist (white), Ollqvistin lammastila, Introduction in English