Finnish Sheep Breeders Association

Suomen Lammasyhdistys ry, Finlands Fårförening rf

In 1918, the Finnish sheep and goat breeders association (Suomen Lammas- ja Vuohenhoitoyhdistys) was founded to promote breeding of goats and sheep. The association was renamed to Lampaan- ja Vuohenhoitoyhdistys in 1938 and to Lampaanjalostusyhdistys in 1959. The current name Finnish Sheep Breeders Association (Suomen Lammasyhdistys) was coined in 1988.

At the beginning of the year 1988 the association stopped providing advisory services for sheep farms, shifting its focus to providing information and supervision of farmers’ interests. The association also handles contacts between farmers, regional clubs and other Finnish associations related to sheep farming and maintains contact with sheep farming associations in the Nordic countries and the world at large. In addition, the association works to to promote sheep farming and raise awareness of it.

The association publishes the magazine Lammas & vuohi, which comes out five times a year, and holds statutory meetings during the national sheep symposium.

The association’s board of trustees selects members for the sheep breeding committee, which annually inspects both extant Qualified Breeding Farms and new applicants for Qualified Breeding Farm status. The board of trustees makes the final decision for approval of new farms.

The association coordinates sheep export and provides guidance for member farms interested in exporting.

The association is run on a not-for-profit basis.

Link to regional clubs >

Board of trustees in 2025 >

Breeding committee in 2025 >

Joining the association >

Contact information >

